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Unleash the Power of Google: How to Check Backlinks for Your Website and Boost Your SEO

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In the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization (SEO), backlinks play a vital role. Not all backlinks, however, are created equal. The quality of your backlinks is just as crucial as their quantity in influencing your search engine rankings. “Why are backlinks important for SEO?” you may ask. This article will explore this, dive into how you can check backlinks for your website, and discuss strategies for building backlinks to boost your SEO.

The Importance of Backlinks in SEO

Backlinks, or inbound links, are links from one website to a web page on your website. They’re crucial for SEO because search engines like Google consider them as votes of confidence. The more quality backlinks your site has from relevant and authoritative websites, the higher it’s likely to rank on search engine results pages (SERPs). But it’s essential to understand that not all backlinks are beneficial. Building backlinks indiscriminately from unrelated or low-quality sites might harm your SEO.

How to Check Backlinks Using Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a powerful tool that lets you check backlinks to your website. It provides data about your website’s incoming links, including the number of linking sites and the top linking sites. But how many backlinks are there exactly?

To answer this, simply navigate to the “Links” section of Google Search Console. There you’ll find a detailed report of your site’s backlinks, with separate sections for ‘Top linking sites’ and ‘Top linked pages’. This gives a comprehensive overview of your backlink profile, providing essential insights into your website’s link-building strategy.

Building Backlinks: The Cornerstone of SEO

Understanding why backlinks are important is the first step. The next is actively building backlinks to improve your search engine optimization. A well-planned link building strategy includes a mix of creating compelling content that people naturally want to link to, reaching out to relevant bloggers and websites, guest posting, fixing broken links, and more.

Notably, Google frowns upon practices such as link exchanges and buying links (paid links), as these methods can lead to an unnatural backlink profile. Instead, aim to generate backlinks naturally over time.


Garnering Backlinks from Trusted, Authoritative Websites

High-quality backlinks are those that come from trusted, authoritative websites. These links significantly impact your search engine rankings as they tell Google that your content is valuable and relevant. Furthermore, backlinks from these sites can drive more referral traffic, bolster your domain authority, and increase your visibility in Google search results.

The Role of Content in Link Building

A crucial aspect of a successful link-building strategy is content creation. By creating blog posts or web pages that offer value, you increase the chances of other sites linking to your content. This is one way to acquire natural backlinks. Additionally, you can leverage your content by reaching out to bloggers and site owners within your niche, offering your content as a valuable resource to link to.

Understanding Google’s Key Search Algorithms: PageRank, Penguin, Pirate, Payday, and Hummingbird Explained

PageRank – is an algorithm created by the founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, to evaluate the quality and importance of websites. PageRank was one of the first and most important ranking factors used by the Google search engine and is a significant part of the history of searching for information on the Internet.

PageRank works on the principle that a link from one page to another is a kind of vote in favor of the other page. The more links pointing to a page (especially from other highly rated pages), the more important that page is to the PageRank algorithm.

However, this mechanism is more complicated than it might seem at first glance. All links are not equal. Links from high PageRank sites are weighted more than links from low PageRank sites. In other words, not only the number of links matters, but also their quality.

Understanding the PageRank algorithm is crucial for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) practitioners. Many SEO experts spend a lot of time building quality backlinks to their pages to increase their PageRank and improve visibility in Google search.

While Google doesn’t reveal the exact formula for calculating PageRank, it’s obvious that links are a key factor. This is why link building, especially from trusted, highly rated sites, is so important to your SEO strategy.

While PageRank was once Google’s key algorithm, its importance has diminished over time. Google introduced many other ranking factors, such as time spent on the page, bounce rate, or page loading speed.

In addition, Google no longer updates the publicly available PageRank value for websites, which means that SEOs do not have direct insight into the PageRank rating of their pages. Nevertheless, while PageRank is no longer as dominant as it once was, it is still an important component of Google’s algorithms.

PageRank was a revolutionary algorithm that changed the way search engines rate websites. Thanks to it, pages with greater value for users (i.e. those linked to by many other pages) are higher in search results.

Although its role has diminished over time, it is still a key element of search algorithms, and understanding how it works is important for SEO professionals.

google algorithms


Penguin is a Google search algorithm whose primary purpose is to identify and pre-analyze websites that violate Google’s quality guidelines, in particular through artificial or manipulative link building techniques. This algorithm is a key element of SEO, and understanding it is essential for an effective search optimization strategy.

Penguin was introduced by Google in 2012 in response to the growing problem of the so-called. “black hat SEO”, or search optimization techniques that are manipulative or misleading. These techniques include, but are not limited to, over-optimizing keywords, creating artificial backlinks to a page to artificially increase its popularity, or creating low-quality, “spam” content to manipulate search results.

The main purpose of the Penguin algorithm is to identify pages that use such techniques and to lower their ranking in search results. Google Penguin checks whether the links to the page are natural and make sense in the context of the page content, whether they are of organic origin and not the result of manipulation. For SEO professionals, understanding the Penguin algorithm is extremely important. Any attempt to manipulate search results, especially through unnatural or manipulative link-building techniques, can lead to heavy penalties from Google, which can drastically lower page rankings and harm their visibility.

Google recommends creating high-quality, valuable content that naturally attracts links from other sites. In addition, valuable content helps build trust and authority among users, which can also help improve search engine rankings.

Google regularly updates the Penguin algorithm to better identify and penalize pages that use manipulative SEO techniques. It is important that SEO professionals keep track of these updates and adjust their strategies accordingly.

In 2016, Google integrated Penguin into its main search algorithm, which means that Penguin now works in real time, evaluating pages on an ongoing basis, not just during occasional updates.


Google Pirate is the name given by the SEO community to one of Google’s algorithm updates, the main purpose of which is to curb copyright infringement in search results. Google Pirate focuses on identifying and declassifying sites that offer illegal content, such as pirated copies of movies, music, books, and other copyrighted material.

First introduced in August 2012, Google Pirate is Google’s answer to growing concerns about copyright infringement on the Internet. This algorithm uses information from DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) reports sent to Google by copyright owners claiming that their rights have been infringed.

Pages that receive a large number of valid DMCA notices are lowered in Google rankings, meaning they are less visible to users. In effect, Pirate aims to discourage piracy by making illegal content more difficult to access through Google searches.

For SEO professionals, the Google Pirate algorithm is very important, although it may not seem obvious at first glance. In practice, most websites should not infringe copyright, and so should not be directly affected by Pirate.

However, if a site offers content that may infringe copyright – for example, links to illegal copies of copyrighted material – it may be severely downgraded in Google Pirate’s search results.

google updates


Google Payday Loan is a specific Google algorithm update that was introduced in June 2013. Its main goal is to combat high spam scores in “spam” sectors such as loans, pornography, casinos and pharmaceuticals.

Payday Loan is an algorithm specifically designed to deal with difficult problems related to spam in search results, which were not effectively solved by other Google algorithms such as Panda or Penguin. This algorithm focuses on very specific queries that are typically associated with high spam industries.

The Payday Loan algorithm focuses on two main aspects: on-page spam and off-page spam. On-page spam refers to techniques used on the page, such as keyword stuffing, text hiding, excessive linking, and more. Off-page spam usually involves unethical link-building tactics such as link buying, spam links on forums and blogs, and many other “black hat” techniques.

The Payday Loan algorithm has significant implications for SEO practices. It emphasizes the importance of using ethical, “white hat” SEO practices. SEO professionals should focus on creating high-quality content that will attract natural links, rather than trying to manipulate Google rankings by using black hat techniques.

Google is constantly updating and adjusting the Payday Loan algorithm to better combat spam and low-quality pages. For SEO professionals, this means they need to keep up to date with the latest changes in Google’s algorithms and adjust their SEO strategies to ensure they are in line with Google’s guidelines.


Hummingbird is the name of an update to Google’s search algorithm that was introduced in September 2013. This is one of the most important Google algorithm updates since the introduction of the Caffeine algorithm in 2010. Hummingbird is focused on improving the semantic understanding of user queries and delivering results that are more related to the overall search intent rather than just specific keywords.

The Hummingbird algorithm seeks to understand the full context of queries, not just individual words. Thanks to this algorithm, Google is now better at understanding complex queries as well as queries formulated in natural, conversational language. Google has also improved its ability to connect search results to specific queries, so search results are now more relevant to user intent.

For SEO professionals, the Hummingbird algorithm means that optimizing a page for specific keywords is no longer as important as it used to be. Instead, they should focus on delivering content that is useful and valuable to users, and that is well suited to the overall intent of the search terms.

One specific area that Hummingbird is impacting is long-tail optimization. These queries are often more complex and conversational, and Hummingbird is better at interpreting them and delivering relevant results. SEO specialists should therefore focus on creating content that answers these more complex queries.

knowledge about google algorithms

Having a deep understanding of Google’s search algorithms like PageRank, Penguin, Pirate, Payday, and Hummingbird is crucial for anyone serious about SEO. These algorithms dictate how Google indexes and ranks web pages in its search results. For instance, Penguin is the algorithm that penalizes sites with unnatural backlink profiles, such as those with a high number of spammy links or links from link farms.

The Different Types of Backlinks

The two primary types of backlinks are dofollow links and nofollow links. Dofollow links pass on SEO value from the linking site to the linked site, whereas nofollow links do not. Even though nofollow links don’t contribute to your SEO in terms of ‘link juice’, they can still drive referral traffic and contribute to your site’s overall visibility online.


Unleashing the power of Google by learning how to check backlinks for your website can significantly boost your SEO. This, coupled with an understanding of why backlinks are important and how to build them, can lead to an improvement in your search engine rankings, an increase in organic traffic, and overall business growth. The world of SEO can be complex, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can make it work for your benefit.

Mateusz Malinowski – Technical SEO Audit


Mateusz Malinowski has 5 years of experience in running several hundred SEO projects. He works in Rank Higher Agency as SEO Director – he manages the SEO and Content department.He is responsible for creating comprehensive SEO strategies on the domestic and foreign market, auditing websites, content marketing recommendations for SEO, linkbuilding process and customer training.

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